

Shire of Broome ‘Local Artist claims 202 Shire of Broome Acquisitive Art Award, Published 24.9.2020, 

ABC Radio  ‘Women's football moment wins prestigious regional art prize’ Wed 2 Sep 2020

 The Broome Advertiser 07.07.2019 Sublime creativity wins over judges; 13.06.2019 Alternative take on history; 23.05.2019 Bringing life back to the heart; 19.06.2018 Big field of artists contest awards; 06.09.2018  Awards celebrate great art  

D Bromfield & P Tandy Over There: Art in the South West Brown Art 2010  p80

L Kuntyj & B Harcourt Visual Arts: A resource for units 1A – 1B Impact Publishing 2008 p207-217

Artist’s Chronicle Sept 10  Retrospective

The South Western Times 15.7.10 Tea towels place art in a spin; 

ABC Radio  31.07.10 10.50 am Interview; 

The Bunbury Mail  23.6.10 Raising awareness and eyebrows; 

Bunbury Herald 1.6.10 Maidens join cancer fight;  

ABC Radio  6.02.08 10.50am Interview;   

The Bunbury Mail 4.02.08 The Art of Romance  

The Manjimup-Bridgetown Times­­­ 30.01.08 Clash of Romance and Reality Revealed

The South Western Times  31.1.08 Artworks Explore Romantic Notions; 

The South Western Times 7.9.08 Building on a Dream;  

WIN News 28.08.07 The New Religion  

The West Australian W Magazine 25.08.07Art Treads Sacred Ground   

ABC Stateline 24.8.07 The New Religion 

The West Australian 22.8.07 Inside Cover Art Treads Sacred Ground ;  

ABC Radio 16.08.07 11am Interview  

The Artist’s Chronicle Nov 06  Retrospective;  

Donnybrook-Bridgetown Mail  26.09.06 Iconography Exhibition

Preston Press Oct 06 Iconography Explored;  

Greenbushes Balingup Newsletter Oct ’06 Iconography Exhibition;  

Bunbury Herald 10.10.06 Top 10 Things to Do: Iconography Exhibition;  

Busselton Margaret River Times 05.04.07 Hatherley Provokes a Response; 

South Western Times  22.11.05 Old is new again;  

Bunbury Mail   17.12.03 Sea-swept theme for local artists.  6.9.05 ;  

The Mail  19.10.05 What’s Old is New Again 

The West Australian. 7.10.05 Old, used and abused;  

The Sunday Times STM Magazine 9.10.05  Creative Space 

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Broome Senior High School

I worked with Sonic artist John Tarry to facilitate workshops with students to contribute to the art and design of the project

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Chinatown Redevelopment

I facilitated several workshops with Year 7 and 12 art students who developed designs for Mudmap’s Vanessa Margetts to incorporate in the spectacular new Chinatown lookout.

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Mullalyup Gallery

This is where it all began. An amazing space, a vision and a whole lot of hard work