Chats with the PM & Jodie

It’s throwback time to August 2022…

Well… it’s not every day you get to yarn to the PM about your art, women’s footy and your story of how it all began… broken arm #7

@albomp and Jodie Hayden were perfectly humble, curious and kind - and so generous with their time to engage with all of our KAN artists at the Art Above the 26th exhibition while on holiday here.

The PM gave an impromptu speech about the significant role art plays in communities - including the importance of art about women’s footy

And yes! It is important. This is a huge moment in our history that deserves to be duly noted for the benefits to our communities of people coming together. It’s not just women and girls who benefit - so many clubs talk of the new spirit, energy and life with the introduction of women‘s leagues to their community.

@albomp @shireofbroome @kimberleyartsnetwork @shireofderbywestkimberley @derbytigersfootballclub @wacountryfootball @her_rules_her_game @bilimoney @broomeshs

#primeminister #thearts #art #artabovethe26th #keepingscore #womensafl #oilpainting #albo #albanese #broome #kimberley


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